Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Study shows that teens do protect their profiles online

While most people think that teenagers are not aware of the dangers of posting information on social networking sites, a study by The Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that teenagers do care about what they put on the internet. the study says that teenagers are particulary careful about putting extremely personal information on social networking sites such as their phone number, email address but they feel free to put pictures of themselves on their pages. This to me makes a lot of sense because having a profile on a social networking sites without a picture of yourself is totally useless because no one will be able to recognize you and you will not be able to connect with friends as easily as it would be if you had a picture of youself on there. Also, it is a lot of fun to put pictures of yourself on social networking sites and have people comment on them... it is really fun. Posting pictures of yourself on social networking sites is dangerous but not as much dangerous as putting your phone number or email address...
In my opinion, I think this study shows the long way teenagers have come and prove that they do care and understand what goes on on social networking sites and the internet in general.

Citation: CNN

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